IEEE WCCI 2024 Technical Tour NTT Communication Science Laboratories

IEEE WCCI 2024 Technical Tour NTT Communication Science Laboratories


Invitation Conventional telecommunication interfaces, such as telephone, and video conferences, were limited to activate auditory and visual perceptions, which do not satisfy requirements for more complete interaction between humans and between human and machine. For designing sophisticated interactive interfaces, we need to know how we use various sensory information not only for perception but also for action. The aim of our studies of sensory processing, motor control, and mind state is to provide fundamental ideas and prerequisites for future interactive and natural interface design by understanding the mechanisms of sensorimotor and mind processing in the brain. Taking the opportunity of IEEE WCCI 2024, NTT Communication Science Laboratories (CSlab) cordially invites you to join the technical tour of Human and Information Science Lab in CSlab. In the technical tour, we will showcase several research topics, such as mobile force display, implicit visuomotor control, visuomotor learning, remote robot control, mental process in sport/e-sport competition, decision making in sport action, and eye movement strategies of baseball-batters. We recommend this tour especially to those who are interested in mechanisms of human sensory processing, motor control, and mental processes in sport.

General Information
 Date: July 5th, 2024
 Time: 15:30 – 17:30 (may be longer)
 Place: NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Atsugi Research Center, 3-1, Morinosato-Wakamiya, Atsugi-shi, 243-01 JAPAN
 Maximum participants: 20.
 Registration form:
 Registration due: June 27, 2024. Late registration may be possible, if maximum number of participants is not reached. 
 Contact: Eiji Uchibe, ATR,

Important Notes
 All of taking photos, recording audio and video are prohibited.
 The technical tour is under the control of Export Administration Regulation (EAR) and Denied Parties List (DPL) of United States. Registration might be denied depending on the applicant's nationality.
 Registration is on a first come first served basis due to limited space and time.

Transportation for participants
 Bus will be provided to the participants of the technical tour.
 2:00 pm, July 5 Meet at IEEE WCCI Registration (2F)
 7:00 pm, July 5 Return to IEEE WCCI Registration
 Registration is required for tour participation.

Registration Fee
 US$45 including transportation
 Registration is on a first come first served basis due to limited space and time.
 The conference registrants who register the technical tour, $45 will be additionally charged to their credit card.