IEEE WCCI 2024 Technical Tour IBM Quantum System One

IEEE WCCI 2024 Technical Tour IBM Quantum System One



Quantum computing is an emerging technology based on completely different principle from classical computers, the laws of quantum mechanics. Quantum computing has the potential to solve many hard problems of industrial importance that classical computers cannot handle efficiently. In the summer of 2021, IBM announced a commercial quantum computer with 27 qubits, “IBM Quantum System One”, at the Kawasaki Business Incubation Center (KBIC), Kawasaki City. In Nov 2023, IBM deployed the 127-qubit IBM Quantum Eagle processor to System One for further performance, which is now in operation for industrial and academic research of quantum computing in Japan.

Taking the opportunity of IEEE WCCI 2024, IBM cordially invites you to join the technical tour of IBM System One at KBIC. In the technical tour, you can see a real quantum computer and a mock-up that visualizes its structure through a glass window and watch demo movies, followed by technical Q&A session. We recommend this tour especially to those who are interested in how quantum computers can impact their own research in the near future.

General Information

  • Date: two 60-minute time slots (may be shorter)
    • Slot 1: 10:00-11:00, July 5, 2024.
    • Slot 2: 14:00-15:00, July 5, 2024.
  • Place: Kawasaki Business Incubation Center, 7-7 Shin-kawasaki, Saiwai, Kawasaki, Kanagawa.
  • Transportation: approx. 45 min by train, 30 min by car from the conference center
  • Maximum participants: 10 for one time slot.
  • Registration form:
  • Registration due: June 30, 2024. Late registration may be possible, if maximum number of participants is not reached. 
  • Contact: Toshiyuki Yamane, IBM Research – Tokyo,

Important Notes

  • Taking photos is allowed, but recording audio and video is prohibited.
  • The technical tour is under the control of Export Administration Regulation (EAR) and Denied Parties List (DPL) of United States. Registration might be denied depending on the applicant's nationality.
  • Registration is on a first come first served basis due to limited space and time.


Transportation for participants

  • Bus will be provided to the participants of the technical tour.
  • Slot 1
    • 8:45am, July 5           Meet at IEEE WCCI Registration (2F)
    • 12:30pm, July 5         Return to IEEE WCCI Registration
  • Slot 2
    • 12:45pm, July 5         Meet at IEEE WCCI Registration (2F)
    • 4:30pm, July 5           Return to IEEE WCCI Registration
  • Registration is required for tour participation.

    Registration Fee
    -  US$45 including transportation
    -  Registration is on a first come first served basis due to limited space and time.
    -  The conference registrants who register the technical tour, $45 will be additionally charged to their credit card.