Call for Journal to Conference (J2C) Papers

If you have a journal paper (e.g. IEEE-TEVC) and would like to present it at IEEE WCCI 2024, you can do so. The paper must have been published within two years starting from their first IEEEXplore, including Early Access and ending on the day of the conference.

To submit the paper,  use the EDAS submission platform by clicking “SUBMIT NOW” below and select the J2C track.  

Your paper should be 1 page in length with title, authors, abstract and your work outlining the originality, contributions and significance (possibly a link to your already published journal paper).

J2C papers will be presented at the Conference, orally, in a special section to be scheduled in the program, during the conference

  • CEC J2C Submission
  • IJCNN J2C Submission
  • FUZZ-IEEE J2C Submission