Call for Competition

Call for Competition Proposals

Competitions offer an opportunity to compare different solutions of a problem and stimulate discussion on a specific topic in computational intelligence and we invite competition proposals from the community and industry. Traditionally, at WCCI2024, there are three types of competitions, depending on entry requirements from the competition participants:
- Category A competition: each participating team submits a paper via the conference system that describes the method and the results obtained for solving the task given by the competition. The papers will be reviewed as any other paper submitted to WCCI2024. In this type of competition, the winner are commonly decided during the review stage among the accepted papers, while at the conference participants of accepted papers present their papers during a (special) session. At the end of the session, the session chairs (i.e., competition organizers) announce the winner(s). An example of type A competition would be developing most interpretable classifier for the Iris data set.
- Category B competition: each team can write and submit a paper via the conference system that describes the method and the results obtained for solving the task given by the competition, but this is not mandatory. The submitted papers will be reviewed as any other papers submitted to WCCI2024. During the conference, the participants demonstrate their solutions, which are evaluated by a jury. After demonstrations conclude, the jury announces the winner of the competition. Moreover, those teams who submitted papers will present accepted papers at the conference (e.g., during a special session). An example of a type B competition is tic-tac-toe competition where the participants have the opportunity to explain in the paper e.g., the evaluation function that captures the uncertainty with respect to the opponent.
- Category C competition: there are no papers associated with entering this type of competition. During the conference, the participants demonstrate their solutions, which are evaluated by the jury. At the end of this session, the jury announces the winner of this competition. An example of a type C competition is tic-tac-toe competition, where competition entries compete against each other.
- Category X competition: while adoption of one of the competition models above is encouraged, other formats may be considered. Please get in touch with the Competitions Chair to discuss your ideas!
In all cases we strongly encourage the prospective competition organizers to take into account the theme of the conference and put special attention to key topics in Computational Intelligence.

Competition organisers are directed to for how to apply for an IEEE CIS competition funding.